We Began By Measuring Distance (Basma Alsharif, 2009)

Virtual Round Table 1: What is Documentary?

Listening to the Archive – Voices of Resistance
Curating Palestinian Cinema : Workshop with Mohanad Yaqubi

SANKOFA, what happened to Solidarity? Intensive Seminar with Jihan El Tahir

Recommendations for film: a discussion with the New German Film Group [Gruppe junger deutscher Film] at the International Film Week Mannheim 1962 [Internationale Filmwoche Mannheim 1962].
Sonic Letters: Doc’s Kingdom

He who eats children (Ben Russell, 2016)
2 Films by Raphaël Grisey, Kàddu Yaraax and Bouba Touré: Xeex Bi Du Jeex – A Luta Continua (2018) & Traana – Temporary Migrant (2017)

Introduction to the end of an argument (Muqaddimah Li-Nihayat Jidal)/ Speaking for oneself… Speaking for others… (Jayce Salloum & Elia Suleiman, 1990)
The Aesthetics of Ambiguity
Detours of Possibilities: Alexander Kluge’s History-Images (public lecture)

Intensive Seminar with Sven Lütticken: Alexander Kluge: Potential Images, Alternate Histories

The Guide (Philip Cartelli, 2023)
Problematising Reality 2023-2024/ Programme 1: Space, place and memory
Problematising Reality 2023/2024/ Programme 2: (de)framing the frame
Problematising Reality 2023-2024/ Programme 3: Decolonising decolonisation
Problematising Reality 2023-2024/ Programme 4: Shot, Counter-shot
True or False? Problematising Reality 5 (with Jihan El Tahir and Esther Leslie)

On display: the aesthetics and politics of representation (intensive seminar with Sarah Lewis-Cappellari)

The Psychic and The Social Founding Violence of Law (Intensive Seminar with Ghalya Saadawi)
In Defense of the Poor Image
Turbid Media: Intensive Seminar with Esther Leslie

The Decentered Film: Place and Form – Intensive Seminar with Courtney Stephens
Terra femme – screening-performance by and with Courtney Stephens

To Describe The World: A Conversation With Courtney Stephens About ‘Terra Femme’

Collective film structures – Intensive Seminar with Marwa Arsanios
The Uncertainties of Dialectics
Art, documentary and the essay film
Approaching (J)JA (Gaëlle Boucand)

Lost and Found in Israeli Footage. Kamal Aljafari’s “Jaffa Trilogy” and the Productive Violation of the Colonial Visual Archive

Ma mer est fragile (Mounir Gouri, 2020)
Images of the Real

Subversive Agency. On Jill Godmilow’s “Kill The Documentary”: A Letter to Filmmakers, Students, and Scholars (review essay)
Syria in images: from the banalization of horror to the horror of the banal

Abounaddara, Stefan Tarnowski & Victoria Lupton, Artisans of Cinema
Saydnaya : Inside a Syrian Torture Prison
Notes on form

Seizing the Past: Radical Re-enactment in Documentary : Intensive Seminar with Zoe Beloff

Philosophy of the Document. Intensive Seminar with Peter Osborne
How I Learned to Overcome My Fear and Love Arik Sharon (Avi Mograbi, 1997)

Z32 (Avi Mograbi, 2008)

Schnittstelle/ Interface (Harun Farocki, 1995)

Have you ever killed a bear? Or Becoming Jamila (Marwa Arsanios, 2014)
A Realidade das Imagens

Short Encounter with Jean Luc Godard (or the cinema as metaphor) (Ghassan Salhab, 2005)

Brechtian critiques / A Model Family in a Model Home (Zoe Beloff, 2015)

A Conversation between Ayreen Anastas and Rene Gabri about “An Untimely Film for Every One and No One, First and Second Part” (2018)
Feelings of Revulsion and the Limits of Academic Discourse. A letter to Errol Morris
From a high vantage point

Virtual Round Table 2: Politics of Perception

Looking for a Practical and Realistic Behaviour (Alexander Kluge, 1983)
Frames of War (Introduction to the Paperback Edition)

Virtual Round Table 4: Fiction-Documentary

Na China (Marie Voignier, 2020) – film screening & discussion

Tales of Two Who Dreamt (Andrea Bussmann & Nicolás Pereda, 2016)

Contemporary Documentary and its critical and political horizons – Intensive Seminar with Dork Zabunyan
Reverse Shot: Approaching Mozambican History.
How to Mediate Reality: Thinking Documentary Film with Adorno and Horkheimer

Rania Stephan: Memories for a Private Eye – Film screening and discussion with the filmmaker

I would like to visit (Muhammad Nour El-Khairy, 2017)

Village, Silenced (Deborah Stratman, 2012)
Sounding the Archives: Sounding the past towards a future living archive

Effects of Wording (Catarina Simão, 2014)
A Busca Totalizante De Sentido

Far from Poland (Jill Godmilow, 1984)

Letter to Herman Asselberghs and Pieter Van Bogaert
Imalogy/ Ontology – talk
On the borders of Fiction. Conversation with Jacques Rancière

Catch Phrases Catch Images – A Conversation with Vilém Flusser (Harun Farocki, 1985)
Aesthetics of Real Abstraction

Virtual Round Table 3: Trusting Images

Virtual Round Table 5: Thinking Images

Re-enacting the Future (Chloé Galibert-Laîné and Kevin B. Lee, 2019)