


Detours of Possibilities: Alexander Kluge’s History-Images (public lecture)

10 Oct, 23

October 20th, 2023
Grande Auditório,
Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa
Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas Artes 4
1249-058 Lisboa

In this lecture/screening, clips from a number of films by Alexander Kluge (long and short, older and recent) will guide the analysis of the German filmmaker and writer’s distinctive approach to history. Kluge stretches and compresses time, condensing millennia into short videos while creating sprawling constellations on DVD or online, projecting imperial histories into sci-fi futures and reimagining historical events in order to sound out dormant potentialities.
Sven Lütticken is associate professor at Leiden University’s Academy of Creative and Performing Arts / PhDArts, and he coordinates the research master’s track Critical Studies in Art and Culture at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His most recent book publications are Objections: Forms of Abstraction, Vol. 1 (Sternberg Press, 2022) and the critical reader Art and Autonomy (Afterall, 2022).

This event is organized by the working group “Thinking Documentary Film” and part of the project “Philosophy and Documentary Film. Mediating the Real”, funded by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the project EXPL/FER-FIL/0045/2021.