Image, Imalogy and the Real – workshop with Fares Chalabi
18 Aug, 22
This intensive workshop aims at elaborating, through a thorough interpretation of Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy of the image in his Cinema books and the lectures he gave at Université Paris 8 on the subject, a reassessment of the relation between image, concept and the real. Through conceptual conjunctions such as the Idea and its structuring function in pre-World War Two cinema (addressing the faculty of understanding), Power as disruptive force which puts the representational function of the image into crisis and its relation to time, and the coming to the fore of the image as the real rather than its representation or reenactment, we will attempt to rethink the idea of images addressing the real beyond the questions of factuality, accuracy and direct agency.
see Fares Chalabi’s mapping of Deleuze’s cinema books here
Click here for the audio-files of Fares Chalabi’s workshop:
1-Perception Image
2. Affection and Impulse Image
3. Action Image
4. Mental Image and Imigration
5. Optic Image
6. Course of Time
7. Series of Time
8. Membranes and Stratigraphic Images
9. Regimes of Visibility
10. Regimes of Visibility 2
11. Manifestology

Fares Chalabi obtained his BA in philosophy from the Lebanese University (UL), a diploma in architecture from the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (ALBA), and a master and PhD in philosophy from the University of Paris 8. Chalabi has been teaching philosophy and art theory at the American University of Beirut (AUB), Saint Joseph University (USJ), and the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts (ALBA) between 2012-2021. Furthermore, he has been collaborating with several artists such as Mounira Al Solh and Danielle Genadry. Today he lives and works in Paris.
This event is part of the project “Philosophy and Documentary Film. Mediating the Real”, funded by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the project EXPL/FER-FIL/0045/2021, and is organized by the research group Thinking Documentary Film.